Department of Physics
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 0903
Moscow, ID 83844
Email: josephahearn3[at]gmail[dot]com
Phone: +1 (630) 865 7862
United States Citizen
Ph.D. Physics | University of Idaho, Moscow, ID | 2022 |
B.S. Physics & Philosophy | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL | 2016 |
B.A. Philosophy | Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy summa cum laude |
2011 |
A.A. Humanities | Legion of Christ College of Humanities, Cheshire, CT | 2009 |
J.A. A’Hearn, M.M. Hedman, C.R. Mankovich, H. Aramona, M.S. Marley, Ring Seismology of the Ice Giants Uranus and Neptune, The Planetary Science Journal (in press).
M.A. Muñoz-Gutiérrez, A.P. Granados Contreras, G. Madeira, J.A. A’Hearn, S. Giuliatti Winter, Long-term Dynamical Evolution of Pallene (Saturn XXXIII) and Its Diffuse, Dusty Ring, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stab3627 (2021)
J.A. A’Hearn, M.M. Hedman, D.P. Hamilton, Modeling Saturn’s D68 Clumps as a Co-orbital Satellite System, The Planetary Science Journal 2:74 (2021)
J.A. A’Hearn, M.M. Hedman, M. El Moutamid, Dynamics of multiple bodies in a corotation resonance: Conserved quantities and relevance to ring arcs, The Astrophysical Journal 882:66 (2019)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Virtual Summer Internship (2021), Orbital Evolution of Neptune’s Rings and Moons: $9,000
Outstanding Research Poster, Graduate Division at the University of Idaho College of Science Research Expo (2019), Moscow, ID: Are Moonlets Hidden Among the Clumps in Saturn’s Innermost Ring?: $100
American Astronomical Society Hartmann Travel Grant: $500 to attend the 2019 EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
2021 JPL ICE Seminar Talk (8/26): Ice giant ring seismology and inner satellite dynamics
São Paulo State University Orbital Dynamics and Planetology Group Seminar Talk (4/30): Gravitational interactions among small Saturnian co-orbital bodies

2022 |
Division on Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, Manhattan, New York City, NY: Talk: Ring Seismology of the Ice Giants Uranus and Neptune; Slack Chair for Numerics and Methods for Planetary Dynamics session |
2021 |
American Geophysical Union Meeting, New Orleans, LA and Virtual: Talk: Ice Giant Ring Seismology Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting, Virtual: Talk: Ice Giant Ring Seismology [ADS abstract]; E. Fernández-Valenzuela and Lucky Star and Hi’iaka Occultation Teams (including J.A. A’Hearn), Physical properties of Hi’iaka from stellar occultation data [ADS abstract]; Chair for Planetary Rings: Theory and Observations session Zoom Q&A European Planetary Science Congress, Virtual: Talk: Ice Giant Ring Seismology [ADS abstract]; E. Fernández-Valenzuela and Lucky Star and Hi’iaka Occultation Teams (including J.A. A’Hearn), The stellar occultations by the largest satellite of the dwarf planet Haumea, Hi’iaka [ADS abstract] Division on Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, Virtual: Talk: Ice Giant Ring Seismology [ADS abstract]; Chair for Rings, Disks, and Migration session Zoom Q&A Triple Evolution and Dynamics, Virtual Workshop |
2020 |
Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting, Virtual: Talk: The long-term dynamical evolution of Saturn’s moon Pallene and its diffuse dusty ring [ADS abstract] Division on Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, Virtual: Talk: Periodic orbits for small N co-orbital satellite systems [ADS abstract] [YouTube video] |
2019 |
College of Science Research Expo, Moscow, ID: Poster: Are Moonlets Hidden Among the Clumps in Saturn’s Innermost Ring? European Planetary Science Congress – Division of Planetary Sciences Joint Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland: Poster: Are Moonlets Hidden Among the Clumps in Saturn’s Innermost Ring? [EPSC abstract PDF] Division on Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, Boulder, CO: Oral Presentation: Are Moonlets Hidden Among the Clumps in Saturn’s Innermost Ring? [ADS abstract]
2018 |
Astronomy Northwest by Southwest Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting, Knoxville, TN: Poster: Dynamics of multiple bodies in a corotation resonance Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting, Knoxville, TN: Poster: Dynamics of multiple bodies in a corotation resonance [ADS abstract] College of Science Research Expo, Moscow, ID: Poster: Dynamics of multiple bodies in a corotation resonance Division on Dynamical Astronomy Meeting, San Jose, CA: Oral Presentation: Dynamics of multiple bodies in a corotation resonance [ADS abstract] |
2017 |
Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting, Provo, UT: Poster: Using four-body problems to explore Aegaeon’s orbital evolution [ADS abstract] Numerical Integration Methods in Planetary Science Meeting, Toronto, Canada |
2016 |
American Astronomical Society Meeting, San Diego, CA American Astronomical Society Meeting, Kissimmee, FL |
2021 JPL Summer Internship Presentation: Orbital evolution of Neptune’s rings and moons
University of Idaho 3-Minute Thesis Competition: The role of small masses in sculpting the structure and orbital evolution of rings and moons
2017 University of Idaho Physics Department Talk: The Search for a Resonance for Saturn’s Moon Pallene
University of Idaho Physics Department Talk: The Aegaeon 4-Body Problem
Kepler Education, Instructor
Physics (with vectors and trigonometry) (2020-2021)
Astronomy (Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
Memoria Press Online Academy, Instructor
Physics (with vectors and trigonometry) (2021-present)
Physics (algebra-based) (2018-2021)
University of Idaho Department of Physics, Teaching Assistant (sole instructor) Astronomy Lab (Fall 2016, Fall 2017), Virtual Section Development (Fall 2020)
General Physics II Lab (electricity, magnetism, optics) (Spring 2017)
Legion of Christ College of Humanities, Instructor
World History (2012-13)
Latin (2012-13)
Koiné Greek (2012-13)
Physics (algebra-based) (Fall 2012)
Euclidean Geometry (Spring 2013)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Summer Internship with mentor Dr. Ryan Park (2021), Orbital Evolution of Neptune’s Rings and Moons
University of Idaho Department of Physics, Research Assistant for Dr. Matthew Hedman (2017-2022), NASA Saturn’s Faint Rings Grant, Uranian Rings Grant, Seismology of the Ice Giants Grant
Orbital mechanics, dynamical astronomy, planetary physics, giant planet interiors
Cartier, K.M.S., “Can Uranus’s Rings Reveal the Planet’s Deepest Secrets?” Eos, 102 (17 December 2021)
Academic Journal Reviewer, European Physical Journal Plus (2022), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2021)
University of Idaho Planetary Science Journal Club Coordinator (2020-2021)
Local Organizing Committee / Virtual Organizing Committee, Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting, Spokane, WA / Virtual (2020)
Name the Rover Judge, NASA Mars 2020 Mission (Perseverance) (2019)
Wiki Education Foundation Facilitator, Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, 228th AAS Meeting (2016)
Interview on ice giant ring seismology for an Eos Magazine Article (2021)
Interview on research and teaching for a University of Alabama student’s English 1101 profile essay (2020)
Yuri’s Night, Jewett Observatory, Pullman, WA: Talk on gravitational slingshots (2019)
Solar Eclipse Education and Outreach, Moscow Farmers Market, Moscow, ID (2017)
Splash at UIUC, Champaign, IL: Talk on the Big Bang and the end of the Universe (2016)
An Evening Under the Stars, Adler Planetarium, Chicago, IL: Representative of the
University of Illinois Astronomical Society (2016)
YouTube Live, Guest talk on Padre Antônio Lemos, LC’s Channel, “El papel de la Iglesia en la ciencia” (Spanish; on the Church’s role in science) (2020)
Theology on Tap, Pocatello, ID: Talk on science and the Shroud of Turin (2019)
Vandal Catholic Encounter, Moscow, ID: Talk on extraterrestrial life and baptism (2019)
Faith & Science Symposium, Moscow, ID: Talk on the evolution of planet Earth (2019)
Science Fair, Summit Academy, Cottonwood, ID: Judge for the science fair (2018)
Vandal Catholic Encounter, Moscow, ID: Talk on whether we can know God exists (2018)
Catholics in the Professional World, Cottonwood, ID: Talks on life as a Catholic
astrophysicist and on the Origin of the Universe (2018)
Theology on Tap, Pocatello, ID: Talk on the Origin of the Universe (2017) [YouTube]
Theology Buzz, Moscow, ID: Talk on the Origin of the Universe (2017)
Vandal Catholic Encounter, Moscow, ID: Talk on the Church’s role in science (2017) [YouTube]
Vandal Catholic Encounter, Moscow, ID: Talk on science and the Shroud of Turin (2017)
Vandal Catholic Encounter, Moscow, ID: Talk on the Origin of the Universe (2017)
Evening Talk, Rolling Prairie, IN: Talk on the Origin of the Universe and Q&A (2016)
Spirit & Truth, Plainfield, IL: Talk on science and the Shroud of Turin (2015)
Fever Science & Faith Symposium, Urbana, IL: Talk on fine-tuning in the Cosmos (2015)
Newman Frontline Catholics, Champaign, IL: Talk on science and faith in dialogue (2014)
Spirit & Truth, Naperville, IL: Talk on science and faith in dialogue (2013)
Spirit & Truth, Plainfield, IL: Talk on science and faith in dialogue (2013)
Evening Talk, Cheshire, CT: Talk on science and the Shroud of Turin (2013)
Mercury6, GYRE, SIMPL
Python, C++
Observatory Operation
Astronomical Observation Assistance
Youth Ministry Coordinator, Mission Network USA, Inc. (2011-12)
Exhibit Coordinator, Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum (2010-11)
Translation Coordinator and Promotion Assistant, Centrum Pro Educatoribus Seminariorum (2009-11)
Secretary to the Vice-Rector, Translation Assistant, and Cultural Visit Coordinator, Legion of Christ College of Humanities (2007-09)
Introductory Physics
Introductory Astronomy
Astronomy Lab
Solar System Dynamics
Orbital Mechanics
Classical Mechanics
Introductory Electricity and Magnetism
Introductory Quantum Physics
Introductory Numerical Methods
Spanish: fluent, lived two years in Mexico
Italian: proficient, lived two years in Rome
Latin: proficient, taught Latin two semesters, occasional tutoring and substituting
Classical and Koiné Greek: proficient, taught Koiné Greek two semesters